第五展厅 永恒的纪念 Exhibition Hall No. 5 Eternal Monument 京汉铁路工人大罢工是中国工运史上一座不朽的丰碑。新中国成立以后,全国各地各类“二七”纪念性建筑、烈士陵园等也先后落成,它们承载和寄托着人们对“二七”英烈的崇敬和哀思,更是爱国主义革命传统教育的生动课堂。人们每年都会在这里以各种形式祭奠英烈,在悼念英雄的同时,感受着他们团结、无畏的高尚品质,并在这种精神的激励中继续奋进。 The strike of workers of Beijing-Hankou Railway is a brilliant deed in history of worker movements in China. A great many memorial buildings and commentaries had been built in various places in memory of February 7th strike since the foundation of People’s Republic of China. The monuments are symbol of people’s admiration and commemoration for the martyrs and become vivid classroom for patriotic education. Each year, people pay homage to the martyrs in various forms and they are deeply touched and inspired by the sublime spirit of the martyrs. |