第四展厅 工人运动的恢复和再遭摧残 Exhibition Hall No. 4: Restoration and Destruction of Worker Movement
1925年2月7日,经过工人们长期的坚持与斗争,全国铁路总工会第二次代表大会在郑州召开,京汉铁路总工会宣布恢复,并将会址设在郑州。总工会成立后,积极支援各地工人的爱国运动。北伐战争开始后,京汉铁路工人又组成秘密小组配合北伐军的行动。但在1926年,吴佩孚败退途经河南,派军警再次镇压支持北伐和领导工人运动的工会组织,杀害铁路工会领导人,使恢复不久的京汉铁路总工会再遭摧残。 With sustained efforts and fight of the workers, the second plenary meeting of the General Workers Union of Railways had been successfully held on February 7 of 1925, and the General Workers Union of Beijing-Hankou Railway got restored and the venue was set at Zhengzhou. Later, the General Workers Union had been active in support for patriotic movements of workers in various places. In addition, it had organized a secret group to help the Northern Expeditionary Army. However, when warlord Wu Peifu passes Henan on his way to retreat, he had launched bloody suppression to the Workers Union which had organized worker movements and supported Northern Expeditionary Army. As a result, leaders of the General Workers Union of Railways had been killed and the General Workers Union of Beijing-Hankou Railway had been destroyed again despite its recent restoration. |