第三展厅 京汉铁路工人大罢工 Exhibition Hall No. 3: General Strike of Workers of Beijing-Hankou Railway 由于京汉铁路总工会成立大会遭到军阀吴佩孚的破坏,京汉铁路总工会发布全体工人罢工宣言,提出五项条件,号召全国同胞团结起来,同军阀做斗争。1923年2月4日,全路工人遵照总工会命令开始全线罢工,2月7日,吴佩孚在列强的支持下调动两万多军警对工人进行血腥镇压,制造了震惊中外的“二七”惨案。 At the knowledge that the general assembly of the General Workers Union of Beijing-Hankou Railway had been interrupted by warlord Wu Peifu, the General Workers Union had published an announcement to all the workers of Beijing-Hankou Railway, proposed five terms and called for all Chinese people to get united to fight against warlords. A general strike along entire Beijing-Hankou Railway line had taken place on February 4 of 1923 with the order from the General Workers Union. On February 7, warlord Wu Peifu had dispatched over 20,000 military grards to suppress the strike and the brutality had appalled the whole world. This is the bloody February 7th Massacre. |