第七展厅 城市记忆 Exhibition Hall No. 7 Memory of the City
郑州是中国近代在火车拉动下发展起来的新兴城市之一,火车站及其繁衍的商业区,是郑州城市发展的重要标志。星移斗转,“二七”旧址犹在,二七纪念塔巍然屹立,周边环境却在改革开放大潮的推动下旧貌变新颜。环绕二七纪念塔的“二七商圈”,成为郑州最具经济贸易活力的区域之一。迎亚运、迎奥运,迎港澳回归,庆申遗成功……,二七纪念塔见证着郑州向现代化城市迈进的步伐。 Zhengzhou is a newly developed city owning to the development of railway transport in modern China. This development feature could be manifested by the prosperous development of commercial districts at the proximity of Zhengzhou railway station, which has become a symbol of the development of Zhengzhou. With rapid development since the adoption of reform and opening up policy, a great many have been changed but February 7th Memorial Tower survives and stands solemnly all the time on its venue. The commercial district surrounding the tower is one of the most active economic and trading areas in Zhengzhou. From the successful holding of Asian and Olympic games to returning of Macao and Hong Kong, February 7th Memorial Tower has witnessed the modern development of Zhengzhou. |