第一展厅 京汉铁路的修建与早期工人运动 Exhibition Hall No. 1: Construction of Beijing-Hankou Railway and Workers’ Movement at Early Stage
厅前序 Preamble 20世纪初,京汉铁路建成通车,并在沿线招募大量工人。由于帝国主义、封建主义的压榨,铁路工人们生存条件恶劣、工作中人身自由被限制、政治地位极低。在这种状态下,中国共产党深入京汉铁路沿线开办夜校、建立工人俱乐部,启发工人觉悟。在长辛店、郑州、江岸等地分别成立工会,组织工人为争取和维护政治与经济利益而斗争。 Beijing-Hankou Railway was put into use in early 20th century and a great many workers had been recruited in areas surrounding the railway line. However, the workers had been living and working in miserable conditions under the oppression of the imperial invaders and the feudal Chinese government. The physical freedom of the workers had been restricted and their political status was extremely low. In that situation, Chinese Communist Party had established night schools and workers’ clubs in the surrounding areas to inspire workers with fighting and protectional awareness. In addition, workers associations had been set up in a great many places such as Changxindian, Zhengzhou and Jiangan. Workers had been organized and united to fight for and safeguard their rightful political and economic interests.