前 言 Preamble 1923年2月1日,京汉铁路总工会在郑州召开成立大会。直系军阀吴佩孚下令军警封锁会场,野蛮阻拦参加会议的代表,以武力破坏会议举行。军阀的暴行引起了工人们强烈愤慨,2月4日上午9时,在总工会的领导下,京汉铁路工人为“争自由、争人权”开始举行总罢工。2月7日,吴佩孚派军队镇压京汉铁路沿线工人罢工,在江岸、郑州、长辛店等地制造多起流血事件,酿成了震惊中外的“二七”惨案。 On February 1st of 1923, the General Workers Union of Beijing-Hankou Railway held a general assembly in Zhengzhou. Linear warlord Wu Peifu had ordered military grards to blockade the conference hall, prevent the representatives from attending the meeting, and interrupt with military force the progression of the conference. The atrocity of the warlord had aroused fury of the workers and |